2018 Korean Language Class Term 2
2018 Korean Language Class Term 2
The 3rd Quarter of Korean Language class at the Korean Cultural Centre Nigeria (KCCN) will be centred on learning how to write and pronounce words in Korean language.
Beginner's Class
○ For whom is this intended?
Ø Learners who have completed Beginner's class
Ø Freshers who are interested to study Korean Language.
Intermediate Class
○ For whom is this intended?
Ø Learners who have completed Beginner's class
Ø Learners who have the appropriate level of Korean language skills to study Sejong Korean Textbook 2.
Ø To improve learner's language proficiency and communication skills with using advanced grammar and expression e.g. using public transportation, ordering food, phone etiquette, talking about hobby, family, and travel, etc.
Ø To widen the understanding of Korean culture through the language.
○ Course Contents:
Ø The course consists of d i a l o g u e, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, integrated practice, assessment, and assignment sections.
Ø Various practices and assignments are included to improve speaking ability.
For general information about the classes, visit the link: General Class Information
Please visit the link: Application Form to fill in the form.